Thorn Island

Full information about Establishment Thorn Island at Thorn Island, Skelmersdale, England WN8 9JU. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


Thorn Island, Skelmersdale, England WN8 9JU
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Thorn Island

Reviews about Thorn Island

  • Baz Eddy
    ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
    Thorn Island named from the past local establishment Thorn color tubes. (Thorn emi) that made tv tubes that are known as valves that made the color picture in the 1970s.- early 80s.
    It later took up the name Matalan island
    for the same reason of that being the occupier of the dominent and very large factory next to the island.
    However that name never lasted after matalan moved.
    so true to its name it remains as
    Thorn Island.
    At one time it was landscaped in the late 80s and had a pond on it but little remains of that anymore.
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